Elixer (2025)

Elixer (2025)

2025-03-05 NTR, NPO 1, BNNVARA, NPO Start
7 1 votes

Seasons and episodes

1 Season 1 March 05, 2025


Isabelle Rombauts is unexpectedly appointed CEO of the family business Rombauts Pharma, an important player on the international pharmaceutical market. She soon encounters the consequences of serious mismanagement by her father and brother. And she is faced with a devilish dilemma: should she follow her own conscience? Or the interests of her influential family?


Hanna Verboom is Isabelle Rombauts
Isabelle Rombauts
Jacob Derwig is Juliën Rombauts
Juliën Rombauts
Wim Opbrouck is Ludo Rombauts
Ludo Rombauts
Katelijne Damen is Riekje Rombauts
Riekje Rombauts
Peggy Vrijens is Marie Rombauts
Marie Rombauts
Roman Derwig is Art Fincher
Art Fincher
Bart Bijnens is Quinten Rombauts
Quinten Rombauts