Ailing Canadians are spending up to $200 a session in clinics and even buying the $20,000 "miracle" machine called the EPFX for home use. It's name is as intriguing as its health claims. For those suffering with a serious illness, they are desperate for a miracle cure.
36 - 1New Home Nightmares January 09, 2008
36 - 2The Secret History of Cars January 16, 2009
36 - 3Generation Cellphone January 23, 2009
36 - 4Miracle Makers or Money Takers January 30, 2009
36 - 5Easy Money February 06, 2009
36 - 6How Not To Win 500000 February 13, 2009
36 - 7Credit Card Catch February 20, 2009
36 - 8The Trouble With Fake Guns February 27, 2009
36 - 97 Sins Of The Marketplace March 04, 2008
36 - 10How Not To Buy A Puppy March 06, 2009
36 - 11Lawless Loans March 13, 2009
36 - 12Power of Persuasion March 20, 2009
36 - 13The Price Cut Promise March 27, 2009