Convenience over safety? Marketplace conducts a first of its kind test in Erica Johnson's investigation into GPSs.
37 - 1Grow-Op Cover Up January 08, 2010
37 - 2GPS Distraction - Busted: Shingles January 15, 2010
37 - 3Road to Rich Dad January 29, 2010
37 - 4Magic in a Bottle? February 05, 2010
37 - 5Canada's Worst Cellphone Bill March 05, 2010
37 - 6Who's Minding the Store? - Busted: Cord Blood Banks March 12, 2010
37 - 7Burning Question - The Debt Trap March 19, 2010
37 - 8Stretching the Truth? - Busted: Lysol March 26, 2010
37 - 9Something's Fishy - Busted: Easyhome April 02, 2010
37 - 10Something's Fishy - Busted: Easyhome April 09, 2010