The Baratheon rivalry ends, driving Catelyn to flee and Littlefinger to act. At King’s Landing, Tyrion’s source alerts him to Joffrey’s defense plan - and a mysterious secret weapon. Theon sails to the Stony Shore to prove he’s worthy to be called Ironborn. At Harrenhal, Arya receives a promise from Jaqen H’ghar, one of the prisoners she saved from the Gold Cloaks. The Night’s Watch arrive at the Fist of the First Men, an ancient ringfort where they hope to stem the wildings' advance.
2 - 1The North Remembers April 01, 2012
2 - 2The Night Lands April 08, 2012
2 - 3What is Dead May Never Die April 15, 2012
2 - 4Garden of Bones April 22, 2012
2 - 5The Ghost of Harrenhal April 29, 2012
2 - 6The Old Gods and the New May 06, 2012
2 - 7A Man Without Honor May 13, 2012
2 - 8The Prince of Winterfell May 20, 2012
2 - 9Blackwater May 27, 2012
2 - 10Valar Morghulis June 03, 2012