Tywin plans strategic unions for the Lannisters. Melisandre pays a visit to the Riverlands. Robb weighs a compromise to repair his alliance with House Frey. Roose Bolton decides what to do with Jaime Lannister. Jon, Ygritte, and the Wildlings face a daunting climb.
3 - 1Valar Dohaeris March 31, 2013
3 - 2Dark Wings, Dark Words April 07, 2013
3 - 3Walk of Punishment April 14, 2013
3 - 4And Now His Watch Is Ended April 21, 2013
3 - 5Kissed by Fire April 28, 2013
3 - 6The Climb May 05, 2013
3 - 7The Bear and the Maiden Fair May 12, 2013
3 - 8Second Sons May 19, 2013
3 - 9The Rains of Castamere June 02, 2013
3 - 10Mhysa June 09, 2013