Stannis makes a deal with the Iron Bank of Braavos. Yara and her troops storm the Dreadfort to free Theon. Meanwhile, Daenerys meets Hizdar zo Loraq and her other supplicants. And the day of Tyrion's trial has come where Tyrion faces his father.
4 - 1Two Swords April 06, 2014
4 - 2The Lion and the Rose April 13, 2014
4 - 3Breaker of Chains April 20, 2014
4 - 4Oathkeeper April 27, 2014
4 - 5First of His Name May 04, 2014
4 - 6The Laws of Gods and Men May 11, 2014
4 - 7Mockingbird May 18, 2014
4 - 8The Mountain and the Viper June 01, 2014
4 - 9The Watchers on the Wall June 08, 2014
4 - 10The Children June 15, 2014