One Survivor's attempt to forge an alliance is overheard by a lurking tribemate. A castaway is livid after a tribemate targets her for elimination in a Reward Challenge, which leads to an eruption back at camp. Paranoia fills the air, leading one Survivor to declare, "Everyone is lying, even the people you'd least expect!" Tribal Council is full of surprises when one Survivor takes advantage of the group setting to call out a tribemate. How will this influence the vote?
11 - 1Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise September 15, 2005
11 - 2Man Down September 22, 2005
11 - 3The Brave May Not Live Long, But the Cautious Don't Live at All September 29, 2005
11 - 4To Betray or Not to Betray October 06, 2005
11 - 5Crocs, Cowboys and City Slickers October 13, 2005
11 - 6Big Ball, Big Mouth, Big Trouble October 20, 2005
11 - 7Surprise Enemy Visit October 27, 2005
11 - 8The Hidden Immunity Idol November 03, 2005
11 - 9Secrets and Lies and an Idol Surprise November 10, 2005
11 - 10Eating and Sleeping with the Enemy November 17, 2005
11 - 11Everything Is Personal November 24, 2005
11 - 12Price for Immunity December 01, 2005
11 - 13Big Win, Big Decision, Big Mistake? December 08, 2005
11 - 14Thunderstorms & Sacrifice December 11, 2005
11 - 15Guatemala Reunion December 11, 2005