Twenty returning castaways are dropped in the middle of the South China Sea to begin their adventure. The new season in Cambodia, themed "Second Chance," features 20 castaways from past editions who were voted for by fans to have another shot at being named "Sole Survivor." For one tribe, old-school thinking battles new-school strategy when the two distinct groups try to take control of the game. Also, one contestant finds a clue to a hidden immunity idol that requires retrieving it in a way that's never been seen before.
31 - 1Second Chance September 23, 2015
31 - 2Survivor MacGyver September 30, 2015
31 - 3We Got A Rat October 07, 2015
31 - 4What's The Beef? October 14, 2015
31 - 5A Snake in the Grass October 21, 2015
31 - 6Bunking with the Devil October 28, 2015
31 - 7Play To Win November 04, 2015
31 - 8You Call, We'll Haul November 11, 2015
31 - 9Witches Coven November 18, 2015
31 - 10Like Selling Your Soul To The Devil November 25, 2015
31 - 11My Wheels Are Spinning November 25, 2015
31 - 12Tiny Little Shanks to the Heart December 02, 2015
31 - 13Villains Have More Fun December 09, 2015
31 - 14Lie, Cheat and Steal December 16, 2015
31 - 15Live Reunion Show December 16, 2015