The castaways get annoyed at complaints from one of their tribe mates; annoyed at his poor performance, a castaway decides to target another.
8 - 1They're Back! February 01, 2004
8 - 2Panicked, Desperate, Thirsty as Hell February 05, 2004
8 - 3Shark Attack February 12, 2004
8 - 4Wipe Out! February 19, 2004
8 - 5I've Been Bamboozled! February 26, 2004
8 - 6Outraged March 04, 2004
8 - 7Sorry... I Blew It March 11, 2004
8 - 8Pick a Tribemate March 17, 2004
8 - 9A Closer Look March 24, 2004
8 - 10Mad Scramble and Broken Hearts April 01, 2004
8 - 11Anger, Tears and Chaos April 08, 2004
8 - 12A Thoughtful Gesture or a Deceptive Plan? April 15, 2004
8 - 13Stupid People, Stupid, Stupid People April 22, 2004
8 - 14A Chapera Surprise April 29, 2004
8 - 15The Instigator May 06, 2004
8 - 16The Sole Surviving All-Star May 09, 2004
8 - 17All-Stars Reunion May 09, 2004
8 - 18America's Tribal Council May 13, 2004