Stardate: 48546.2. Janeway tries to figure out what her dynamic with the crew should be while all stuck in the Delta Quadrant together. Voyager tries to harvest omicron particles to refuel the ship, but inadvertently injures a spacefaring organism.
1 - 1Caretaker January 16, 1995
1 - 2Parallax January 23, 1995
1 - 3Time and Again January 30, 1995
1 - 4Phage February 06, 1995
1 - 5The Cloud February 13, 1995
1 - 6Eye of the Needle February 20, 1995
1 - 7Ex Post Facto February 27, 1995
1 - 8Emanations March 13, 1995
1 - 9Prime Factors March 20, 1995
1 - 10State of Flux April 10, 1995
1 - 11Heroes and Demons April 24, 1995
1 - 12Cathexis May 01, 1995
1 - 13Faces May 08, 1995
1 - 14Jetrel May 15, 1995
1 - 15Learning Curve May 22, 1995