Fictionally fashioned with science blue in her miniskirt skant, an impressionable debut of Lili-Fox Lim is made. Lili is introduced wearing Star Trek: TNG's first season trendsetting costume designer William Ware Theiss' blue uniform skant and tall black boots. Viewers get a very first look on television of the Star Trek: Prodigy characters and voice-actors behind them. Bryan and Lili talk through the Prodigy character descriptions, release date of Star Trek: Lower Decks season 2 accompanied with their love for the series and creator Mike McMahon. Lili and Bryan discuss their 5 best and 5 weakest Star Trek villains with positive remarks revealing their affinity for the villains to round out the show. An audio file with a familiar voice and guest character is played for the Trek-cellence sound byte multiple choice segment.
1 - 1Enemies of the Federation June 30, 2021
1 - 2Best or weakest villains our top 5 July 07, 2021
1 - 3Sci-Fi writer/designer/game-tester - Karl Johanson July 14, 2021
1 - 4Scientific illustrator - Jenny Parks July 21, 2021
1 - 5Strongest and Weakest Klingon's our top 5 July 28, 2021
1 - 6Linguist - Marc Okrand August 04, 2021
1 - 7Record Breaking Documentary Producer - David Zappone August 11, 2021
1 - 8Record Breaking Documentary Producer - David Zappone (Part-2) August 18, 2021
1 - 9All-American actor, musician, and author - Gary Graham August 25, 2021
1 - 10Best or Weakest Androids our top 5 September 01, 2021
1 - 11J.G. Hertzler - From "A"cting to "Z"orro... and Everything Klingon September 08, 2021
1 - 12A trek full of stories with Michael Jan Friedman September 15, 2021
1 - 13Robert O'Reilly, Raising the Next Generation of Leaders September 22, 2021