A Captain's Log (2021) : 3x19
Conclusion; Morga discusses performing a unique vertical stunt designed to look like Riker levitating in the episode "Schisms" on Star Trek: TNG. Doubling the character Koloth in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Klingon episode "Blood Oath" shot on location in Pasadena at the historic Millard house is a topic. Never before seen rehearsal and choreography stunt footage on and off the set of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine plus other episodes are shown. Morga talks about stunt doubling for the great J.G. Hertzler as General Martok multiple times. Also Morga discusses the three DS9 episodes "Armageddon Game", "The Sword of Kahless" and "The Emperor's new Cloak" along with Voyager episode "Day of Honor" in front of the director Jesús Salvador Treviño. Tom talks about an infamous holodeck/holosuite character called "Skelator" as a nickname for the holographic skull fighter combat scene.
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