A Captain's Log (2021) : 4x3
Bryan Kreutz and Lili Fox-Lim welcome Joanna Ferbrache in their new science in Star Trek segment titled "Tractor Beam me!". The 2-time Emmy Award nominated make-up artist on Star Trek, Doug Drexler, who has also won an academy award for Dick Tracy discusses his work on Dick Tracy and on Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Next Generation. He praises Dick Smith and Geoffrey Mandel, as well as discusses originally owning a Manhattan, NY based Star Trek store called Federation Trading Post. Bob Justman is fondly remembered and referred to as being the second-most important person on Star Trek with connections that were integral to his success. Justman was remembered for doing a Disney Space series and the Outer Limits, Star Trek official moments with Mike Minor and Lee Cole at Paramount Pictures, and introduced the makeup and evolution of Hollywood makeup among other stories about Star Trek: The Next Generation.
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4 - 15Star Trek: Best Episodes From Each of the 11 series June 24, 2024
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4 - 18Carel Struycken - Mr. Homn and recurring roles we relish July 15, 2024
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4 - 27Manu Intiraymi: Insights into Icheb and more as an actor and producer September 22, 2024
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4 - 29The essence of a family of actors with Elizabeth Dennehy October 07, 2024
4 - 30The essence of a family of actors with Elizabeth Dennehy, Part 2 October 14, 2024
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4 - 32Kavi Raz - Award winning: Actor, Writer, Producer, Director October 28, 2024