Oddity Archive (2012) : 8x17
Special Bulletins (or, we Interrupt This Archive...)
We interrupt this episode of Oddity Archive to bring you…a bunch of other interruptions.
8 - 1
8 - 2Record Ripoffs Vol. 9 (HITS on the '60's!) July 25, 2019
8 - 3The Right Way To Tape Record (1965-Style) August 08, 2019
8 - 4Scanimate August 22, 2019
8 - 5Local TV Vol. 7: Dialing For Dollars (& other Franchised Game Shows) September 05, 2019
8 - 6LaserKaraoke Vol. 7 (Golden Moldies) September 19, 2019
8 - 7Employee Training Videos Vol. 2 (Loss Prevention) October 03, 2019
8 - 8Random Reel-To-Reel Vol. 2 (featuring "The Ballad of Tom") October 10, 2019
8 - 9After Hours (Transmitter Maintenance) (Halloween Special 2019) October 31, 2019
8 - 10Video8 (8mm Video) (and its children) November 14, 2019
8 - 11Top 10 Earworms (to date) November 28, 2019
8 - 12Christmas Special 2019 (Ben's Christmas Kookies) December 19, 2019
8 - 13Future Oddities 2: A Kissoff To The 2010's January 01, 2020
8 - 14History of VHS, Vol. 1 (the '70's) January 09, 2020
8 - 15Theatrical Policy Trailers January 30, 2020
8 - 16VHS (& Beta) Vault Vol. 16 (A (cautious) Romantic Tale) February 13, 2020
8 - 17Special Bulletins (or, we Interrupt This Archive...) February 27, 2020
8 - 18Ben's Music "Career" Vol. 4: Greetings From Elderbush Gulch March 12, 2020
8 - 19Jukebox Network (& other UHF Music Video Channels) March 26, 2020
8 - 20Ben's Random Audiocassette Haul #3 April 09, 2020
8 - 21History of VHS, Vol. 2 (Format Wars & VHS-C) April 23, 2020
8 - 22Local TV Vol. 8 (Even More Local Commercials) May 07, 2020
8 - 23(Semi-)Lost TV Series (Personal Favorites) May 21, 2020
8 - 24Switched-On Archive (Carlosploitation) June 04, 2020