Saladın: The Conqueror of Jerusalem (2023)

Saladın: The Conqueror of Jerusalem (2023) : 1x26

26. Bölüm 180 Min.
10 1 votes


Saladin kills Mülhem to avenge Süreyya but runs into trouble when Temur's rescue attempt backfires, leading Bernard to recapture the beys and Karategin. This brings Arslanshah, Nureddin, and Saladin into conflict. Arslanshah, angry and blaming Nureddin, gathers soldiers against the Zengid State. Bernard demands Gaza for the beys' release, but Nureddin refuses. Determined, Arslanshah starts a siege on Gaza. Meanwhile, Karategin tries to escape Bernard's clutches. The stakes are high: Can Saladin free the captive lords? Will the Islamic Union survive Arslanshah's actions? And can Nureddin keep hold of Gaza, a symbol of their hard-fought victories?