The University of Aberdeen is host as four more contenders from Scotland do friendly battle in the quest to find Mastermind's 1987 champion. John Sutherland (retired civil servant) Admiral Thomas Cochrane , 10th Earl of Dundonald, 1775-1860 Eric Forrester (private investigator) The life and works of Robert Burns Sheila Fleming (schoolteacher) The wild flowers of Scotland George Combe (revenue assistant HM Customs and Excise) Battleships and battle cruisers, 1860-1980
15 - 1Episode 1 January 04, 1987
15 - 2Episode 2 January 11, 1987
15 - 3Episode 3 January 18, 1987
15 - 4Episode 4 January 25, 1987
15 - 5Episode 5 February 01, 1987
15 - 6Episode 6 February 08, 1987
15 - 7Episode 7 February 15, 1987
15 - 8Episode 8 February 22, 1987
15 - 9Episode 9 March 01, 1987
15 - 10Episode 10 March 15, 1987
15 - 11Episode 11 March 22, 1987
15 - 12Episode 12 March 29, 1987
15 - 13Episode 13 April 05, 1987
15 - 14Episode 14 April 12, 1987
15 - 15Episode 15 April 19, 1987
15 - 16Episode 16 April 26, 1987
15 - 17Episode 17 May 03, 1987
15 - 18Episode 18 May 10, 1987
15 - 19Episode 19 May 17, 1987
15 - 20Episode 20 May 24, 1987
15 - 21Episode 21 May 31, 1987
15 - 22The Final Five June 03, 1987
15 - 23The Final June 07, 1987