An entrepreneur presents a line of luxury maternity gowns; a woman tries to impress the sharks with her homemade cakes; the sharks fight over a stay-at-home dad's product.
2 - 1Seafood Chef, Premium wine glass March 20, 2011
2 - 2Toygaroo, Nose filter, Bacon alarm clock March 25, 2011
2 - 3Kids seek an investor for their idea April 01, 2011
2 - 4HillBilly, BrocoliWad, Airline child seat April 08, 2011
2 - 5Fridge Fronts April 15, 2011
2 - 6Maternity Gowns, CaddySwag, SweepEasy April 21, 2011
2 - 7Football hydration, Games2U, EcoMower April 28, 2011
2 - 8ThinSpeakers, Fart candle, Firehose valve May 05, 2011
2 - 9CitiKitty, OneSole, Due In... May 12, 2011