Nathan Fillion, Bill Burr and musical guest Band of Horses
2 - 1The Announcer Who Died at the End of the Announcement November 07, 2011
2 - 2
2 - 3Mime Riot November 09, 2011
2 - 4The Illiterate Merderer November 10, 2011
2 - 5The Postman Always Rings Ten Times. What's His Problem? November 14, 2011
2 - 6Dead Men Tell No Amusing Anecdotes November 15, 2011
2 - 7Siri Shows Her Boobs November 16, 2011
2 - 8A Man for All Flu Seasons November 17, 2011
2 - 9
2 - 10What Happens in Vegas is Typically Pretty Sad November 29, 2011
2 - 11Bye-Bye, Albino's Alibi November 30, 2011
2 - 12
2 - 13The Bourne Ultimate Frisbee Tournament December 05, 2011
2 - 14What the Butler Smelled December 06, 2011
2 - 15Tell My Wife I Love Her, and Tell My Secret Wife I Love Her Even More December 07, 2011
2 - 16Armageddon Comes to Quiznos December 08, 2011
2 - 17Return to A-Hole Acres December 12, 2011
2 - 18It's a Wonderful Life Because of the Internet December 13, 2011
2 - 19Miracle Whip on 34th Street December 14, 2011
2 - 20The Island of Misfit Roys: Scheider Edition! December 15, 2011
2 - 21Santa Claus Is Coming to Town, but Only to Visit His Mistress Danielle December 19, 2011
2 - 22Happy Chanukah - I Mean, Hanukah - I Mean, Hanukkah December 20, 2011
2 - 23The Stockings Were Hung - To Send a Message to the Other Stockings December 21, 2011
2 - 24Christmas Eve Not Christmas Steve December 22, 2011
2 - 25May Old Acquaintances Be De-Friended January 03, 2012
2 - 26Out with the Old, in with the Hastily-Repainted Old January 04, 2012
2 - 27Manuary 5th - The Day of the Dude January 05, 2012
2 - 28Oh My God, Baby New Year Got Into the Medicine Cabinet! January 09, 2012
2 - 29Every Kiss Begins with Kay, But Everything Else Begins with K-Y January 10, 2012
2 - 30The Integrity Episode, Brought to you by Pall Mall Cigarettes January 11, 2012
2 - 31The Mime Whisperer January 12, 2012
2 - 32The Mayan "Dilbert Cartoon-A-Day" Calendar January 16, 2012
2 - 33The Guy Who Actually Went to the Gym he Joined on New Year's Day January 17, 2012
2 - 34Operation Orgy: Journey to Coitus Cove January 18, 2012
2 - 35This Episode Would Like you to Join its LinkedIn Network January 19, 2012
2 - 36
2 - 37The Bourne Again Ultimatum January 24, 2012
2 - 38Mr. Gorbachev, Put Up Some Drapes! January 25, 2012
2 - 39
2 - 40A Watched Pot Never Boils, and Other Total Lies January 30, 2012
2 - 41The Man Who Got his Money's Worth at Starbucks January 31, 2012
2 - 42The Dr. Wizard of Dr. Oz February 01, 2012
2 - 43Double-Vision Theater Presents: The Lady With Incredible Ta-ta-ta-tas February 02, 2012
2 - 44The Lonely Scent of a Lean Cuisine February 06, 2012
2 - 45"High-Four Me!" Said the Woodshop Teacher February 07, 2012
2 - 46The Creature From the Recently Gentrified Lagoon February 08, 2012
2 - 47Cheap Applause From the Best Audience In the World February 09, 2012
2 - 48Mr. Peanut's Peanut Allergy February 13, 2012
2 - 49The Last-Minute Gift at CVS That Got Greg Laid February 14, 2012
2 - 50Luck be a Man Dressed as a Lady Tonight February 15, 2012
2 - 51Die Hard 5: Let's Not Die Quite So Hard, I've Got Chronic Back Pain February 16, 2012
2 - 52The 24th Annual NERF® Product Expo February 21, 2012
2 - 53Justice has a Middle Name and it's Eric February 22, 2012
2 - 54Annie, Get Your Glock February 23, 2012
2 - 55Death Wish 6: Natural Causes February 27, 2012
2 - 56The Douche Who Lost His Bag February 28, 2012
2 - 57Godzilla Vs. His Own Body Issues February 29, 2012
2 - 58
2 - 59Low-Brow OCD Theater Presents: Pull My Finger 40 Times March 05, 2012
2 - 60Virginia Is for Lovers, But So Is My Van March 06, 2012
2 - 61Bridesmaids Revisited March 07, 2012
2 - 62The Rendezvous With Destiny That Was Pushed Back to April March 08, 2012
2 - 63She Maces Me, She Maces Me Not March 19, 2012
2 - 64Honey, I Shrunk the Show March 20, 2012
2 - 65
2 - 66El Episodio Con El Título Español March 26, 2012
2 - 67Godzilla Versus Robocalling Mothra March 27, 2012
2 - 68
2 - 69The Lonely Life of Albert Peniseyebrows March 29, 2012
2 - 70
2 - 71Ding Dong! The Witch Is Selling Amway. April 03, 2012
2 - 72Lucy in the Sky With Amazingly Realistic Diamelles™ April 04, 2012
2 - 73
2 - 74Fruit by the Foot, Regret by the Mile. April 09, 2012
2 - 75Flash Mob on the Bounty April 10, 2012
2 - 76Where in Carmen Sandiego Is Waldo? April 11, 2012
2 - 77How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Google the Ways. April 12, 2012
2 - 78The Bourne Thingamajigee April 16, 2012
2 - 79The Doomsday Device (Batteries Not Included) April 17, 2012
2 - 80Nine Hairy Guys in a Hot Tub Built for Five April 18, 2012
2 - 81Extremely Slow Murder on the Orient Local April 19, 2012
2 - 82I Believe the Children are our Future D-Bags April 23, 2012
2 - 83How Much for That Doggie on the Roof of your Car? April 24, 2012
2 - 84I Like Big Butts and I Can Still Lie April 25, 2012
2 - 85What are you Doing With My Freak On? April 26, 2012
2 - 86The Day the Earth Stood too Close to the Barbecue May 07, 2012
2 - 87Are All Guys Named Jared Kinda Dicky? May 08, 2012
2 - 88Table for Two, Said the Fatman May 09, 2012
2 - 89
2 - 90
2 - 91The Thingy of Finite Imagination May 16, 2012
2 - 92Episode 257: Literally May 17, 2012
2 - 93The Channing Tatum Ultimatum May 22, 2012
2 - 94This One has a Wardrobe Malfunction May 23, 2012
2 - 95
2 - 96
2 - 97The Boy with ADD Who... Is That a Butterfly? June 05, 2012
2 - 98My Eyes Are Up Here, ArchBishop Desmond Tutu! June 06, 2012
2 - 99E-vite to a Murder June 07, 2012
2 - 100And the Wind Cries, "Sausage" June 11, 2012
2 - 101The Devil in the White Suburb June 12, 2012
2 - 102The Gnocchi From Skokie That Sang Karaoke June 13, 2012
2 - 103
2 - 104Four Weddings, a Funeral, and a Bris June 18, 2012
2 - 105Descartes Presents: Dude, Why's My Car? June 19, 2012
2 - 106
2 - 107A Buncha Crap We Came Up With This Afternoon June 21, 2012
2 - 108Godzilla vs. The Board of Education June 25, 2012
2 - 109
2 - 110John Carter 2: Just Kidding, That Will Never Happen June 27, 2012
2 - 111Puss in Ugg Boots June 28, 2012
2 - 112
2 - 113Das Re-Boot: Revenge of the '80s Movie Reference July 17, 2012
2 - 114Martin Short Meets Justin Long July 18, 2012
2 - 115Slaughterdeath 4: Hurtfest in Scartown July 19, 2012
2 - 116The Quick Case of the Easily Solved Mystery July 23, 2012
2 - 117Mission Impossible 5: Flatulence Protocol July 24, 2012
2 - 118
2 - 119Something, Something Japanese July 26, 2012
2 - 120Jolt Cola Explosion at the Old Reference Factory July 30, 2012
2 - 121Fear and Loathing and Boredom in Albany July 31, 2012
2 - 122The Shark Who Took Small Bites and Chewed Carefully August 01, 2012
2 - 123Audit at Fiscal Point August 02, 2012
2 - 124Understatement in Hyperbole Town August 06, 2012
2 - 125
2 - 126The Green Lantern 2: Just Kidding, That Won't Happen August 08, 2012
2 - 127
2 - 128The Land That Time Totally Blanked On August 27, 2012
2 - 129Are You There God? It's Me, Murder August 28, 2012
2 - 130
2 - 131The Pimp with the Limp Who Loved to Eat Shrimp August 30, 2012
2 - 132The Improbable Rise of John Yeastlessbread September 04, 2012
2 - 133The Mayan Hunky Firefighter Calendar September 05, 2012
2 - 134Then the Clock Struck 12, 11 Central Time, 10 Mountain Time September 06, 2012
2 - 135The Murder of Steve Victim September 10, 2012
2 - 136The Surpirisingly Well-Adjusted Later Life of Honey Boo Boo September 11, 2012
2 - 137Green Eggs and Jon Hamm September 12, 2012
2 - 138One Hundred Years of Solitude (Thanks a Lot, Garlic) September 13, 2012
2 - 139The Incredible Stuff of Non-Specific Guy September 17, 2012
2 - 140Milk, Milk, Lemonade, Around the Corner Fudge Is Outsourced to India September 18, 2012
2 - 141The Boy Who Cried Wolf Blitzer September 19, 2012
2 - 142Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Wildlife Federation September 20, 2012
2 - 143Catcher in the Rye 2: The Catchening September 24, 2012
2 - 144The OCD Postman Always Rings Twice, Forty Times in a Row September 25, 2012
2 - 145Journey to the Return of Revenge Against the Fight September 26, 2012
2 - 146Beach Blanket Bunker: The Untold Story of Hitler and His Prize Surfboard September 27, 2012
2 - 147Butt Slayer 4: Rise of the Non-Butts October 01, 2012
2 - 148The Berenstain Bears Quietly Convert to Judaism October 02, 2012
2 - 149The Overpriced Organic Grapes of Wrath October 03, 2012
2 - 150License and Wegistwation, Said the Baby Cop October 04, 2012
2 - 151Never Bring a Knife to a Hot Dog Eating Contest October 15, 2012
2 - 152Love Potion Number MGD 64 October 16, 2012
2 - 153Return and Return and Return to OCD Mountain October 17, 2012
2 - 154Fool Me Thrice, Shame on Amnesia October 18, 2012
2 - 155There's Something Suspicious About Professor Murder October 22, 2012
2 - 156Seth Swisher's Sushi Switcharoo October 23, 2012
2 - 157When a Pterodactyl Is in the Next Stall, the P Is Silent October 24, 2012
2 - 158A Man, a Tan, a Terrible Plan October 25, 2012
2 - 159Part Four 6: Part Twelve October 29, 2012
2 - 160Where There's Smoke, There's Gladys the Smoker October 30, 2012
2 - 161Dracula Meets Frankenstein, But Only for Coffee October 31, 2012
2 - 162The AARP Guide to Sexting November 01, 2012