Myths and legends have long been regarded as fantastic stories that describe powerful gods, mutant giants and fearsome monsters. But why do so many different cultures, separated by vast distances, tell the same stories? Is it possible that myths and legends were really eyewitness accounts of ancient astronauts descending to Earth? Ancient texts are filled with stories of gods interacting with humans, offering wisdom, technology, and even impregnating women. Could the demigods of mythology have been the offspring of alien and human unions? If so, could aliens have supplied the Missing Link that accelerated human evolution, advancing our civilization and making us who we are today?
2 - 1Mysterious Places October 28, 2010
2 - 2Gods & Aliens November 04, 2010
2 - 3Underwater Worlds November 11, 2010
2 - 4Underground Aliens November 18, 2010
2 - 5Aliens and the Third Reich November 25, 2010
2 - 6Alien Tech December 02, 2010
2 - 7Angels and Aliens December 09, 2010
2 - 8Unexplained Structures December 16, 2010
2 - 9Alien Devastations December 23, 2010
2 - 10Alien Contacts December 30, 2010