Wondrous wizards... Mysterious sorcerers... And heavenly beings... possessed of unimaginable power. Throughout the ancient world, magic was used for everything from healing to communicating with the gods. But did magic really exist in the ancient times? Not as a form of theater--but as a means of replicating the power of the gods? Do ancient accounts of magic suggest evidence of advanced, otherworldly knowledge? A knowledge given to early humans as a means of helping them unlock their own - some might say "divine" - potential?
6 - 1The Power of Three September 30, 2013
6 - 2The Crystal Skulls October 07, 2013
6 - 3The Anunnaki Connection October 14, 2013
6 - 4Magic of the Gods October 21, 2013
6 - 5The Satan Conspiracy October 28, 2013
6 - 6Alien Operations November 01, 2013
6 - 7Emperors, Kings and Pharaohs November 08, 2013
6 - 8Mysterious Relics November 15, 2013
6 - 9Aliens and Forbidden Islands November 29, 2013
6 - 10Aliens and The Lost Ark December 06, 2013
6 - 11Aliens and Mysterious Mountains December 13, 2013