Stories of strange encounters accompany many of history's major events. Is it merely coincidence? Or might it be evidence of extraterrestrial intervention? In ancient myths from cultures around the globe, gods are often portrayed intervening in human affairs. The Sumerian gods are said to have created mankind; the Hebrews believe God gave Moses man's first laws, the Ten Commandments, and the angel Gabriel reportedly shared divine wisdom with the prophet Muhammad. But is it possible that these supernatural visitations were not actually the work of the gods--but rather a race of extraterrestrials using advanced technology to create and shape our civilization? Ancient Astronaut Theorists believe aliens may have helped guide mankind in the remote past--and that evidence for this stunning conclusion can be found sprinkled throughout human history.
8 - 1Alien Transports June 13, 2014
8 - 2Mysterious Structures June 20, 2014
8 - 3Mysterious Devices June 27, 2014
8 - 4The Reptilians July 25, 2014
8 - 5The Tesla Experiment August 01, 2014
8 - 6The God Particle August 08, 2014
8 - 7Alien Encounters August 15, 2014
8 - 8Aliens & Superheroes August 22, 2014