First Date: Angelique, LaNease, Shannon, Kathryn, Christina Alex's first date was to Las Vegas for a night of gaming and pleasure. While playing billiards in the penthouse suite at the Venetian hotel, Angelique made a power move and asked to see Alex in private. When the other four ladies realized that Angelique was out-smarting them, they crashed the party. During dinner, Alex asked Shannon if she would go for a walk with him — in front of his other shocked dates. During their walk, Alex told Shannon he felt a connection with her. Alex and his dates then went and played Blackjack in the casino; the date with the most money after twenty minutes would get a private gondola trip down the Venetian canal with Alex. LaNease won, and as they got in the gondola, the gondolier told them that it was tradition to have a kiss under each bridge they passed under. Alex and LaNease maintained the tradition, sharing several intimate kisses. Second Date: Angela, Amy, Melissa, Amanda, Trista The next d
1 - 1Week One (S1) March 25, 2002
1 - 2Bachelor Live: Week 2 January 11, 2016
1 - 3Week Three (S1) April 08, 2002
1 - 4Week Four (S1) April 15, 2002
1 - 5Week Five (S1) April 22, 2002
1 - 6The Bachelor: The Women Tell All (S1) April 25, 2002
1 - 7Week Six (S1) April 25, 2002
1 - 8The Bachelor: Special Edition (S1) August 11, 2002
1 - 9The Bachelor: Revealed (S1) September 25, 2002