Ben is given a last-minute chance to spend time with the two remaining ladies before he makes his final decision; Ben must reject one hopeful woman before handing the final rose, and possibly an engagement ring, to the last remaining bachelorette.
16 - 1Week 1 January 02, 2012
16 - 2Week 2 January 09, 2012
16 - 3Week 3 January 16, 2012
16 - 4Week 4 January 23, 2012
16 - 5Week 5 January 30, 2012
16 - 6Week 6 February 06, 2012
16 - 7Week 7 February 13, 2012
16 - 8Week 8 February 20, 2012
16 - 9Week 9 February 27, 2012
16 - 10The Women Tell All March 05, 2012
16 - 11The Final Rose March 12, 2012
16 - 12After the Final Rose March 12, 2012