All of Nick's relationships are called into question as the remaining women deal with Nick's admission that the process may not be working for him. Nick seeks council from Chris Harrison about his predicament.
21 - 1Week 1: Season 21 Premiere January 02, 2017
21 - 2Week 2: Wedding Photo Shoot January 09, 2017
21 - 3Week 3: The Backstreet Boys January 16, 2017
21 - 4Week 4: Nick's Hometown January 23, 2017
21 - 5Week 5: New Orleans January 30, 2017
21 - 6Week 6: St. Thomas February 06, 2017
21 - 7Week 7: Bimini February 13, 2017
21 - 8Week 8: Hometown Dates February 20, 2017
21 - 9Week 9: Finland February 27, 2017
21 - 10Week 10: Finland March 06, 2017
21 - 11The Women Tell All March 06, 2017
21 - 12The Final Rose March 13, 2017
21 - 13After the Final Rose March 13, 2017