""Episode 706"" - In another outrageous ""Bachelor"" ""first,"" all three remaining women - Krisily, Sarah B. and Sarah W. -- arrive in Aruba, completely unaware that the others are there -- simultaneously -- for their exotic overnight dates with Charlie. Shocked to see each other when they pull up to the hotel, Chris Harrison explains that, not only will all the dates take place in Aruba, but so will the rose ceremony, which will decide the final two women. The claws come out as the ladies battle to stay in Charlie's heart. Will Sarah W. fan the flame that was reignited during her hometown visit? Will it make any difference to Charlie that Sarah B. refuses his invitation to stay overnight in his room or that Krisily makes a point of telling him that intimacy is a key factor in a relationship? It's a wild, romantic ride with each of the bachelorettes until Charlie must make a heart-wrenching decision to eliminate one of the women, on ""The Bachelor,"" MONDAY, MAY 2 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET), on th
7 - 1Week One (S7) March 28, 2005
7 - 2Week Two (S7) April 04, 2005
7 - 3Week Three (S7) April 11, 2005
7 - 4Week Four (S7) April 18, 2005
7 - 5Week Five (S7) April 25, 2005
7 - 6Week Six (S7) May 02, 2005
7 - 7The Bachelor: Women Tell All (S7) May 09, 2005
7 - 8Week Seven (S7) May 16, 2005
7 - 9The Bachelor: The Final Rose Live (S7) May 16, 2005