In Portland, Ore., police catch a couple engaging in lewd activity in a car; a prostitution sting is discovered during an undercover investigation in Alameda County, Cal. Also: a confrontation with an underage prostitute in Las Vegas.
25 - 1Odd Arrests #5 December 15, 2012
25 - 2Ho! Ho! Ho! #10 December 22, 2012
25 - 3Street Arrests #3 December 29, 2012
25 - 4Chases and Cars #2 January 19, 2013
25 - 5Liar Liar #6 February 02, 2013
25 - 6Busted #2 May 10, 2013
25 - 7Wild and Crazy #2 February 09, 2013
25 - 8Caught In A Lie May 10, 2013
25 - 9Street Patrol #3 February 23, 2013
25 - 10Dazed & Confused #5 March 02, 2013
25 - 11Stupid Behaviors #5 March 09, 2013
25 - 12Morons On Parade #6 March 16, 2013
25 - 13Taken Into Custody #3 May 10, 2013
25 - 14Coast To Coast 183 May 09, 2013
25 - 15Fight Night May 04, 2013
25 - 16Busted #3 May 04, 2013