(1:37 AM Shooting Call) A black man shot and killed his wife white Alicia at an apartment complex, his two year old daughter Andrea and then himself in the head. A neighbor thought it was fireworks and ran inside. Shane the ex-boyfriend was there and there was a restraining order on the man. (8:02 PM Domestic Call) Behind a 7-22 a man tries to leave with his son Terry and his wife went nuts on him. He is white and she is Korean. He says she stays out all night every night, hit his son and he couldn't take it anymore. She gets arrested for domestic. (9:05 PM Accident Call) A motorcycle with two riders hit a car doing 65mph and they were thrown into the grass. The woman has open fractures and the mans' helmet landed 120 feet away. The driver of the car was DUI and charged with two counts of vehicular assault. The girl is only 15 and had to have a leg amputated.
4 - 1Kansas City 1 August 10, 1991
4 - 2Kansas City 2 August 17, 1991
4 - 3Kansas City 3 August 24, 1991
4 - 4Kansas City 4 December 07, 1991
4 - 5Kansas City 5 September 13, 1991
4 - 6Kansas City 6 October 19, 1991
4 - 7Kansas City 7 October 12, 1991
4 - 8Kansas City 8 October 05, 1991
4 - 9Pittsburgh, PA 3 September 28, 1991
4 - 10Pittsburgh, PA 4 October 26, 1991
4 - 11Pittsburgh, PA 5 December 21, 1991
4 - 12Pittsburgh, PA 6 November 02, 1991
4 - 13Pittsburgh, PA 7 January 04, 1992
4 - 14U.S. Marshal's Service Special February 07, 1992
4 - 15Boston, MA 1 November 16, 1991
4 - 16Boston, MA 2 November 09, 1991
4 - 17Boston, MA 3 November 23, 1991
4 - 18Boston, MA 4 March 21, 1992
4 - 19Boston, MA 5 December 07, 1991
4 - 20Boston, MA 6 December 14, 1991
4 - 21Boston, MA 7 April 04, 1992
4 - 22Memphis, TN 1 January 11, 1992
4 - 23Memphis, TN 2 January 18, 1992
4 - 24Memphis, TN 3 January 25, 1992
4 - 25Memphis, TN 4 February 15, 1992
4 - 26Memphis, TN 5 May 30, 1992
4 - 27Memphis, TN 6 February 01, 1992
4 - 28Miami, FL 1 March 07, 1992
4 - 29Miami, FL 2 February 22, 1992
4 - 30Miami, FL 3 February 22, 1992
4 - 31South Florida 1 March 14, 1992
4 - 32Miami, FL 4 March 21, 1992
4 - 33South Florida 2 April 11, 1992
4 - 34Miami, FL 5 May 30, 1992
4 - 35Miami, FL 6 April 25, 1992
4 - 36Miami, FL 7 May 02, 1992
4 - 37Miami, FL 8 June 13, 1992
4 - 38Miami, FL 9 May 09, 1992
4 - 39Miami, FL 10 May 16, 1992
4 - 40Miami, FL 11 June 27, 1992
4 - 41Washington State 1 August 01, 1992
4 - 42Washington State 2 December 12, 1992
4 - 43Pierce Co. WA 1 June 20, 1992
4 - 44Pierce Co. WA 2 August 08, 1992
4 - 45Pierce Co. WA 3 August 15, 1992
4 - 46Pittsburgh, PA 6 November 21, 1991
4 - 47Pittsburgh, PA 7 January 04, 1992