Over a makeup dinner with the Braudys, Larry openly ponders the question, ""When a husband pays the check, do you have to also thank the wife?"" Meanwhile, Jeff's return home is ruined by his allergy to the family's corpse-sniffing German Shepherd—but his daughter Sammy refuses to give away the dog. Concerned about his agent's welfare, Larry figures out an ingenious way to give the pooch to the Braudys, who are looking for just such a dog.
3 - 1Chet's Shirt September 15, 2002
3 - 2The Benadryl Brownie September 22, 2002
3 - 3Club Soda and Salt September 29, 2002
3 - 4The Nanny from Hell October 06, 2002
3 - 5The Terrorist Attack October 13, 2002
3 - 6The Special Section October 20, 2002
3 - 7The Corpse-Sniffing Dog October 27, 2002
3 - 8Krazee-Eyez Killa November 03, 2002
3 - 9Mary, Joseph and Larry November 10, 2002
3 - 10The Grand Opening November 17, 2002