The daughter of an amateur off-road champion gets surprised when Tim and Fuzz restore her late mothers Series 1 Land Rover.
2 - 1MG Miracle March 24, 2014
2 - 2Start the Dart March 31, 2014
2 - 3Cortina Conundrum April 07, 2014
2 - 4A Porsche Puzzle April 07, 2014
2 - 5Land Rover Legend April 14, 2014
2 - 6Danish Dilemma April 21, 2014
2 - 7The Herald Angels April 28, 2014
2 - 8Morris Traveller Mayday May 05, 2014
2 - 9Campervan Challenge May 12, 2014
2 - 10Escort RS in Distress May 19, 2014