Barry has long harboured hopes of restoring his 1984 Audi UR Quattro. However, his poor health has left him sapped of energy, so Fuzz Townshend and Tim Shaw step in to offer help.
3 - 1Stirling Moss Sprite Special April 09, 2015
3 - 2E-Type Emergency April 16, 2015
3 - 3Tim's Golf GTI Obsession April 23, 2015
3 - 4Little Black Corvette April 30, 2015
3 - 5Skyline Sensation May 07, 2015
3 - 6Awesome Audi May 14, 2015
3 - 7Morgan Mayhem May 21, 2015
3 - 8Alfa Romeo Renaissance May 28, 2015
3 - 9Lancia Reborn June 04, 2015
3 - 10Vive La Citroën June 11, 2015