Adam and Jamie are forced to use some fancy rigging to try to save a wreck on Highway 1 that threatens to spill its load all over the road. When a new competitor rolls onto the mountain and cuts the work in half Jamie is forced to realize he can't afford to keep his world class fleet of trucks on the Coq.
2 - 1Welcome To Winter September 03, 2013
2 - 2Deadlift September 10, 2013
2 - 3The Comeback Kid September 17, 2013
2 - 4Two Guys, Two Trucks September 24, 2013
2 - 5Sometimes The Patient Dies October 01, 2013
2 - 6Still Got It October 08, 2013
2 - 7Crazy Horse October 15, 2013
2 - 8Suck It Up Princess October 22, 2013
2 - 9Over The Edge October 29, 2013
2 - 10A Man Of My Word November 05, 2013
2 - 11Cut In Half November 12, 2013
2 - 12Beer O'Clock November 17, 2013
2 - 13Closure Is Not An Option November 19, 2013