With the house divided once again, who will win Head of Household and will they follow Canada's lead and make a major move? Find out now!
2 - 1Season Premier; HOH March 05, 2014
2 - 2POV and Eviction March 06, 2014
2 - 3HOH and Nominations March 09, 2014
2 - 4POV March 12, 2014
2 - 5Eviction, HOH and the Final House Guest is Revealed March 13, 2014
2 - 6Have Not Competition and Nominations March 16, 2014
2 - 7Buzzworthy POV March 19, 2014
2 - 8Eviction March 20, 2014
2 - 9HOH and Nominations March 23, 2014
2 - 10POV March 26, 2014
2 - 11Eviction March 27, 2014
2 - 12Canada's Nominations March 30, 2014
2 - 13POV April 02, 2014
2 - 14Eviction April 03, 2014
2 - 15HOH and Nominations April 06, 2014
2 - 16POV April 09, 2014
2 - 17Double Eviction April 10, 2014
2 - 18HOH and Nominations April 13, 2014
2 - 19POV April 16, 2014
2 - 20Eviction April 17, 2014
2 - 21Instant Eviction April 20, 2014
2 - 22POV April 23, 2014
2 - 23Eviction April 24, 2014
2 - 24HOH and Nominations April 27, 2014
2 - 25POV April 30, 2014
2 - 26Eviction May 01, 2014
2 - 27Big Brother Canada Awards May 04, 2014
2 - 28Special Eviction May 07, 2014
2 - 29Finale May 08, 2014