Equipo de investigación (2011)

Equipo de investigación (2011) : 12x33

The Black Market for Bicycles 60 Min.
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The bicycle has become one of the most coveted items on the black market. Equipo de Investigación demonstrates this by installing a tracker on a bicycle, which has been parked in the Spanish city where most thefts occur daily, and checks how long it takes to steal it, who steals it and where it ends up. But thieves don't just steal from users. Organized gangs of thieves have swapped jewelry stores for specialized bicycle stores. Demand has grown so much, by 400%, that there are waiting lists of more than 12 months. The program discovers in China that for the first time in history, the world's largest exporter of bicycles is unable to supply the market. A perfect storm that favors the emergence of the black market for bicycles.