VICE News Tonight (2016)

VICE News Tonight (2016) : 2x69

Episode 69 25 Min.
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3:26 Baltimore’s Gun Trace Task Force indictments, a series of investigations which uncovered instances of racketeering inside the city’s police department, come at a time when trust between the authorities and the community is at an historic low. VICE News examines what the case says about the current state of policing. 12:00 President Trump insisted today that reports that he attempted to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller last June were “fake news.” 14:20 In the first in a short series on European populism, VICE News tracks the build up to the Czech Republic's presidential elections, their ongoing spat with the EU, and the increasing polarization of Eastern and Western Europe. 20:18 Vice News interviews Dave Choffnes, a professor at Northeastern university who built an app that detects carriers violating net neutrality.