A young man is reunited with his mother after a long time apart and she will help him change his terrible lifestyle.
13 - 1Children do not hide lies, nor do they silence truths March 27, 2023
13 - 2Forgetting the injury is the best revenge March 28, 2023
13 - 3You will never go to bed without learning more April 03, 2023
13 - 4Whoever acquires a bad habit, a slave to it lives and dies April 05, 2023
13 - 5Whoever looks at appearances, fails to know the essence April 10, 2023
13 - 6They are not all nightingales, those who sing among flowers April 13, 2023
13 - 7Fame must be earned, honor must not be lost April 17, 2023
13 - 8He who swims in sin drowns in sorrow April 19, 2023
13 - 9Any port in a storm April 29, 2023
13 - 10When God wants to give to you, he will leave it at home April 30, 2023