Konnyaku is an important element of Japanese cuisine. It has long been known as a high-fiber, diet-friendly food, and in recent years it's been shown to offer benefits for health conditions including dementia and diabetes. Outside Japan, its popularity is on the rise, and it has started to appear in dishes like pasta. Konnyaku is a chewy, jelly-like food made from the extremely bitter corm of the konjac plant. How is it processed? And what other uses does it have? Peter Barakan visits Japan's top producing area to learn all about this surprising food.
10 - 1Kitchens January 12, 2023
10 - 2Satsumaimo: Sweet Potatoes February 09, 2023
10 - 3Dinosaurs March 02, 2023
10 - 4Japanophiles: Kyle Holzhueter March 23, 2023
10 - 5Camping April 13, 2023
10 - 6Male Aesthetics April 27, 2023
10 - 7Konnyaku May 11, 2023
10 - 8Japanophiles: Isabelle Sasaki May 25, 2023
10 - 9Ueno June 08, 2023
10 - 10Meteorological Data June 22, 2023
10 - 11Amami Oshima: Paradise Found July 06, 2023
10 - 12Amami Oshima: Shaped by Adversity July 13, 2023
10 - 13Japanophiles: Francesco Panto August 03, 2023
10 - 14Vacant Homes August 17, 2023
10 - 15Rokyoku: Musical Storytelling August 31, 2023
10 - 16Japanese Honeybees September 14, 2023
10 - 17Japanophiles: Martin Holman September 28, 2023
10 - 18Unused Fish October 12, 2023
10 - 19Garbage October 26, 2023
10 - 20Firefighting November 09, 2023
10 - 21Japanophiles: Benjamin Flatt November 23, 2023
10 - 22Izumo: Home of the Gods December 07, 2023
10 - 23Izumo: Land of the Supernatural December 14, 2023