Clockmaker Steve Fletcher turns his talents to restoring an ornate antique pipe, carved from a mineral called meerschaum. Steve also calls on the help of his sister, and master saddle maker, Suzie to replace the lacklustre leather parts of the pipe. Gramophone guru Tim Weeks takes on the restoration of an early twentieth-century record player and radio that was bought at an auction by owner Corrie when she was just five but hasn't produced any music for years. And ceramics restorer Kirsten Ramsay tackles one of the largest pieces she's ever worked on, a huge blue pitcher from Germany decorated with images from an infamous event in Roman history.
2 - 1Violin March 12, 2018
2 - 2Toy Steam Roller March 13, 2018
2 - 3Portrait March 14, 2018
2 - 4Music Box March 15, 2018
2 - 5Antique Pipe March 16, 2018
2 - 6Rosewood Table March 19, 2018
2 - 7Dennis Fire Engine March 20, 2018
2 - 8Shoe Stretching Machine March 21, 2018
2 - 9Boulle Work Clock March 22, 2018
2 - 10Ceremonial Helmet March 23, 2018
2 - 11Gramophone March 26, 2018
2 - 12Victorian Lamp March 27, 2018
2 - 13Caputo Painting March 28, 2018
2 - 14Majolica Vase March 29, 2018
2 - 15Silver Mirror March 30, 2018