The 16 contestants from “Survivor” are reunited and answer questions about their experiences on the island. Bryant Gumbel is the host.
1 - 1The Marooning May 31, 2000
1 - 2The Generation Gap June 07, 2000
1 - 3Quest For Food June 14, 2000
1 - 4Too Little, Too Late? June 21, 2000
1 - 5Pulling Your Own Weight June 28, 2000
1 - 6Udder Revenge July 05, 2000
1 - 7The Merger July 12, 2000
1 - 8Thy Name Is Duplicity July 19, 2000
1 - 9Old and New Bonds July 26, 2000
1 - 10Crack In the Alliance August 08, 2000
1 - 11Long Hard Days August 09, 2000
1 - 12Death of an Alliance August 16, 2000
1 - 13The Final Four August 23, 2000
1 - 14The Reunion August 23, 2000