The two tribes desperately search for food and compete in a Reward Challenge that requires them to drag a sunken treasure chest to shore. The winning team receives fishing equipment. “Rescue Mission” is the Immunity Challenge. The tribes must rescue an “injured” player out in the jungle and bring him or her back to the beach on a stretcher. The third contestant is voted off the island.
1 - 1The Marooning May 31, 2000
1 - 2The Generation Gap June 07, 2000
1 - 3Quest For Food June 14, 2000
1 - 4Too Little, Too Late? June 21, 2000
1 - 5Pulling Your Own Weight June 28, 2000
1 - 6Udder Revenge July 05, 2000
1 - 7The Merger July 12, 2000
1 - 8Thy Name Is Duplicity July 19, 2000
1 - 9Old and New Bonds July 26, 2000
1 - 10Crack In the Alliance August 08, 2000
1 - 11Long Hard Days August 09, 2000
1 - 12Death of an Alliance August 16, 2000
1 - 13The Final Four August 23, 2000
1 - 14The Reunion August 23, 2000